About me


A long time ago I made a wish to always be truthful to myself. Ever since, the body temple has sent clear signals when I forget to listen to the intuitive voice inside. I am a devoted practitioner of energy work and believe the main origin of disease comes from lack of knowledge on how to access the subtle energy body and change thought patterns. We are so much more than the physical vessel.


During the first 15 years on earth, I lived in a state of numbness, was cut off from emotions and very fearful due to trauma. I had no idea what my own needs were, as other people always seemed more important. Later, I became determined to learn about the healing power of emotions and self-love. Many years of inner work was essential for finding freedom, but it has been worth every second. Through receiving support, the scattered soul could become whole again.


My career started in offices but it didn’t take long until I embarked on the journey I am still on, inspiring people and caring for them. Travelling, therapy and community has made me less fearful and more expressive. A brilliant way to grow is to change habits. We can create new pathways in the brain which will open the door to higher states of consciousness.


In connection with people I often have a calming and inspirational effect as well as being a catalyst for change. In the past I believed that the only way to grow was through painful challenges. But when turning 50, I received confidence and embraced self-love which led to inner peace.


I appreciate the small wonders in life and have a childlike fascination for cloud gazing, mystical reflection photography, dancing freely, poetry, singing and connecting with other souls on a conscious level, beyond the mind. I am a multidimensional artist who is standing firmly with one foot on earth and the other in higher realms.






Many hours and years of spiritual and emotional healing,

psychology, coaching, bodywork

& counselling studies

has given me wisdom and knowledge to support others

in the field of

energy healing and clear communication



I am a member of the Swedish Medium association

and following their ethical guidelines








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